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Avinash Pareek


Education is synonymous with peace and harmony. Without them education does not have any sense. Education plays a very significant role in promotion of peace and harmony. A well educated person knows what behaviour is expected of him by the society as a good human being. A real education apparently teaches a person to realize the difference between good and bad. The spirit of education is to promote and champion good causes .In this way education becomes a means to achieve the objectives. This results in the form of peace and harmony. Democracy is in a way dependent on peace and harmony and these are dependent on education. It won’t be an exaggeration to mention that those countries which have got the real peace, both internal and external, harmony, both at the individual level and at the level of nature have the bright chance of being a really developed country. The more the world is peaceful and harmonious, the more the world will be educated in the real sense. Peace and harmony are rooted in education and vice versa.

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