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Collaborative learning attracts interest because it addresses several major pre occupations related to improving student learning. First, the predominant conclusion from a half-century of research is that teachers cannot simply transfer their knowledge to students. Students must build their own minds through a process of assimilating information into their own understandings. Meaningful and lasting learning occurs through personal, active engagement. The advantages of collaborative learning for actively engaging students are clear when compared with more traditional methods-such as lecture and large group discussions-in which only a few students typically can, or do, participate. Second Collaborative learning offers students opportunities to learn valuable interpersonal and teamwork skills and dispositions by participating in task-oriented learning groups; thus, even beyond enhancing the learning of content or subject matter, collaborative groups develop important skills that prepare students for their careers. Third, our increasingly diverse society requires engaged citizens who can appreciate and benefit from different perspectives. At the same time, most local, national, and global challenges require long-term, collective responses. Learning to listen carefully, think critically, participate constructively, and collaborate productively to solve common problems are vital components of an education for modern-day citizenship. Finally, colleges and universities want to provide greater opportunities for a wider variety of students to develop as lifelong learners. Collaborative learning engages students of all backgrounds personally and actively, calling individuals to contribute knowledge and perspectives to the education of all developed from their unique lives as well as academic and vocational experiences.

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